مرحبا بكم في شروق الدولية Welcome to Shorooq International افتخر معنا بنجاحك مدى الحياة وفي كل المناسبات Be Proud of Your Success All Your Life نصنع ايضا خواتم حسب الطلب للشركات والمؤسسات الرياضية والقطاعات العسكرية We Also Customize Rings for Corporate, Melitary, Sports and More Stone Colors للطلب يرجى تعبئة النموذج التاليPlease fill out the below form to place your order Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.School Name *Your Name *Phone No. *Email *Degree *SelectBSBAMASERDRDeplomaHighschoolSpeciality *Enter the course or specialty title for your degree.Stone Color *SelectBlueRedBlackSky BluegreenWhiteNo StoneRing Size *Select66.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.51313.514Enter the size of the ring in American StandardGraduation Year *Joining Year *Engraved Name *Enter a name abbreviation to be engraved inside the ring with maximum characters of 15 including spaces.Submit للاستفسارات For Enquiries 00966505318687